Consul General Series - 孟加拉國駐港總領事 Mehdi Hasan

Hello, everybody! I am Mehdi Hasen, the Consul General of Bangladesh in HK.

大家好,我是孟加拉國駐港總領事Mehdi Hasen。

0)Please say something to our listeners of HK.


Hong Kong is a wonderful place for us and this is the most vibrant city that I have ever lived. This is a wonderful place, where you see people who are highly tolerant and respectful to each other irrespective of religion, race and colors. They are very welcoming to foreigners, and they don't differentiate us as a foreigner, so that way we feel quite at home here and also people are gentle which makes you feel good.

香港是一個絕妙的地方,是我住過最充滿活力的城市。 這是一個很棒的地方,港人非常尊重和寬容別人的宗教、種族和膚色。 他們非常歡迎我們,並沒有把我們當作外國人一樣,因此我們在這裡既有賓至如歸的感覺,人們也很溫柔,這使您感覺良好。

1) Please tell us more about your country and are there any fabulous events or festivals that you want to tell us?

Bangladesh has been the cradle of civilization, a centre of cultural diffusion, since the early ages of civilisation. It was the meeting ground of various peoples in different states of civilization, the most primitive as well as the most advanced. Each phase of the history of Bangladesh has its distinct characteristics and every race of people who came and settled here, left its individual racial, religious or cultural impacts in the form of temples, stupas, monasteries and mosque along with their associated objects – making it a country of diverse attractions. Its deep-rooted multi-faced cultural heritage is reflected in its architecture, literature, dance, drama, music and painting.

As I said different civilisations and people lived here, so this country is mixed with multi races, so you will see Aryan faces, Mongoloid faces, Arabian faces in our people, You meet people of different colors in our country. Also, Bangladesh is a large green land. It’s a green tapestry, criss-crossed by more than 300 rivers, their tributaries, distributaries and canals, and this is the largest riverine delta in the world, that's why the rivers play a very important and significant role in the economic and normal live of people in Bangladesh. It is the land of festivals. It's a very tolerant and vibrant society where people from different religions such as the Hindus, the Buddhists, the Muslims, cohabitate happily with mutual respect for each other, and Bangladesh is one of the very few countries in the world where you will have public holidays for all the major religions. You won’t find such thing in many places in the world. For example, we have public holiday on 25th December. We have public holiday also for the Buddhist which is the birthday of Buddha, and for the Hindu also,we have several public holidays. So in that way, we have lots of celebrations throughout the year in Bangladesh, thus we characterise it “Your religious occasion but Festival for everybody”. For example, the Hindus have their Puja, or the Buddhist have Buddha Purnima, but it is celebrated across the society.



Then, we have celebrations not only on religious occasions, but also on social and cultural heritage. For example, the biggest and most colourful celebration in Bangladesh is the Bengali New year celebration which we call Pohela Boishakh. Pohela Boishakh is celebrated across the society and people of different age, religion, color join the celebration. It is held on 14th April. “Pohela Boishakh” means the first day of Bengali New Year. A colourful procession on Pohela Boishakh called the “Mangal Shobhajatra”, which means a procession for well-being of the people, was declared by the UNESCO in 2016 as an intangible cultural heritage. Agriculture occupies a major part of livelihood and economy. Bangladesh produces rice throughout the year, so whenever you go to Bangladesh, you will see the large green fields and there is harvest celebration which has been celebrated for years. Historically, the Autumn was the harvesting Season, and the Harvest Festival has been celebrated in Bangladesh. Earlier, businesses used to open their yearly book of accounts on this day which is still practiced by many. These are the few things that influence our culture and our lives in Bangladesh.

然後,我們不僅在宗教場合,而且在社會和文化遺產上都有慶祝活動。例如,孟加拉國規模最大、最豐富多彩的慶祝活動是孟加拉新年慶祝活動,我們將節日稱為“ Pahela Baishakh”我們在孟加拉國舉行的慶祝活動,整個社會,涉及不同年齡,宗教信仰和膚色都會參加,並於4月14日舉行。 “ Pohela Boishakh”象徵著孟加拉新年的第一天。2016年,聯合國教科文組織將在孟加拉新年舉行之豐富多彩的遊行-“ Mangal Shobhajatra”,意指為了人民的幸福而遊行,認可為非物質文化遺產。因此聯合國其,當日的巡遊表演被稱為“ Mangal Shobhajatra”,人民幸福的遊行。因此,這是在孟加拉國新年4月14日舉行的。此外,農業佔民生和經濟的主要部分。 孟加拉國全年都會出產稻米,因此,每當您去孟加拉國時,您都會看到大片的綠色田野和舉行了多年的收穫慶祝活動。長久以來,秋天是豐收季節,孟加拉國都會慶祝豐收節日。 早些時候,企業通常在這一天開立年度賬簿,此傳統仍然持續至今。 以上就是一些影響我們孟加拉國文化和日常生活的特色節日。

2) How do you feel about HK and what kinds of thing you like the best?

你對香港印象如何以及你最喜歡香港的什麼 ?

As I said before, first thing is that this is a very vibrant city and whenever I used the word “vibrant”, I am reciprocated with the similar sentiment by many of my colleagues, or people I meet. Some say that this is too vibrant but really, this is a colourful city and as we call it “The Asia’s World City”, it is really a city where you see the whole world joined together, living here in such a wonderful environment, and whenever you live in HK, you feel the speed of life. I like the speed of life in Hong kong but never feel that I will miss the train. In other way, it's fun to keep your pace matching the speed of the city. Also, everything is so well organized. And the most important thing that attracts me is the people who are very gentle, welcoming and respect for human-being.

正如我所說,第一件事是這是一個充滿活力的城市,每當我使用「充滿活力」一詞時,我的許多同事或我遇到的人都對類似的觀點表示讚賞。 有人說香港太活躍了,但實際上這是一座色彩繽紛的城市,我稱呼這個城市為「亞洲國際大都會」,它確實是一個能夠讓您體驗世界融合的城市,生活在如此美好的環境中。只要你是生活在香港,必定會體驗到生活節奏上的速度。 我從來沒有想像過自己會趕不上火車,並將自己的步伐與城市的速度保持一致。 而且,香港人都是很有條理的,一切都井井有條。 而最吸引的就是本地的人民,他們非常溫柔,非常熱情和互相彼此尊重。

3) So is there any specific flower of your country which is kind of like a national flower of Bangladesh?


We have a national flower which is called Water Lily. You find this flower in HK also.

我們有一朵國花,叫做睡蓮。 您也可以在香港找到這朵花。

4) Can Consul General teach us some language of Bangladesh, like greetings, slangs, and I mean is there any sentence you can teach our audience?


First of all, when you say “Hello”, as you know in Bangladesh, the majority of people are Muslims, so in our tradition, whenever we meet people, we say “Peace Be Upon You” in English, but in Arabic, we say “ السلام عليكم” (As-salamu alaykum) which has the same meaning. It’s universal, and then you reply “وعليكم السلام” (Wa alaykumus-salam), means Peace be upon you too. Then the second biggest religion is the Hindus, they also have a greeting, so whenever they meet, they say “नमस्कार” (Namaskaar) which has similar meaning.

首先,當您說「你好」,而您知道孟加拉國人民大多數都是穆斯林,按照傳統,每當我們碰面時,我們都會用英語說「祝你平安」,而在阿拉伯語中,我們說“ السلامعليكم”(As-salamu alaykum),意味著和平與你常在,是我們通用的問好,然後您回答“وعليكمالسلام”(Wa alaykumu as-salam),意味著我也祝你平安。 然後第二大宗教就是印度教徒,他們也有類似的語句,所以每次見面時,他們都會說“नमस्कार ”(Namaskaar),意思相似。

Then, we say “ কেমন আছ (Kēmana ācha), which means how are you doing. Here, we actually have three persons, like when we talk to unknown person or elderly people, we say কেমন আছেন (Kēmana āchēna) as a respect, কেমন (Kēmana) means How, আছেন (āchēna) means how are you doing. It’s for elderly and formal format and then when you talk to your friends, families and close persons, we say কেমন আছো (Kēmana āchō), then you meet very close friends or within family, we say কেমন আছিস (Kēmana āchisa), so when we reply, there’s only a format, that I’m doing fine. We say ভালো আছি (Bhālō āchi) , ভালো (Bhālō) means good, and আছি (āchi) means I am, so it’s I am fine.

然後,我們說“ কেমন আছ (Kēmana ācha),意思是「你好嗎」。 在這裡,我們現在有3個人,例如當我們與陌生人或老人聊天時,我們以কেমন আছেন (Kēmana āchēna)為尊敬,কেমন(Kēmana)表示如何,,(āchēna)表示您最近過得如何。 它適用於老年人和正規交談,然後當您與朋友,家人和親密友人交談時,我們說 কেমন আছো (Kēmana āchō),然後您遇到非常親密的朋友或家人時,我們說কেমন আছিস (Kēmana āchisa),所以當我們回答時,只有一種方式,就是我過得很好,我們會說 ভালো আছি (Bhālō āchi),ভালো(Bhālō)表示好,আছিā(āchi)表示我,所以我很好。

孟加拉國駐港總領事 Mehdi Hasan、夏妙然博士