
Invest Tokyo Seminar in Hong Kong

東京都戰略政策情報推進本部 特區推進擔當部長米津雅史

日本國駐香港總領事館大使暨總領事和田充廣、投資推廣署傅仲森局長、日本貿易振興機構(JETRO)所長高島大浩等聯同出席、日本國駐香港總領事館支持-由東京都政府主辦、日本貿易振興機構(JETRO)協辦的「Invest Tokyo Seminar in Hong Kong」研討會在8 月28日舉行,為有計劃去日本投資、經營公司、與日本公司合作等等有興趣的人士提供最新的資訊。

夏妙然博士這次訪問了東京都戰略政策情報推進本部 特區推進擔當部長米津雅史。會議的其中一個重點是東京推崇由「Business travel(商務旅行)」和「Leisure (休閒)」組成的「Bleisure」,致力為商務客提供一個舒適且富有多元文化的環境,亦鼓勵於日本企業合作,交流意見,在不同文化的基礎上創造出新元素,建立可持續發展的「循環系統」

“Invest Tokyo Seminar in Hong Kong “, co-organized by Tokyo Metropolitan Government & Jetro Hong Kong , supported by Consulate General of Japan In HK , was held on 28 Aug 2019 in HK.

Dr Serina Ha had make an interview with Mr Masafumi Yonazu ; Senior Director for Special Zone Promotion Office for Strategic Policy and ICT promotion of Tokyo Metropolitan Government on suggestions on nature of business ; collaboration opportunities with local companies ; coordination and offer hands-on supports for business-matching with local companies .。

Here are the summary of the interview:

1) Suggestions on nature of business

1. High-quality manufacturing and services

-Consumers in Japan demand very high-quality goods and services so it means that once you succeed in Japan, you will be able to get high-reputation in global market.

2. Japanese manufacturers are strongly proud of their works.

3. Diverse culture and comfortable living environment

-The word “bleisure” is the combining of business travel with leisure time. The Economist Intelligence Unit, in an Asia Pacific survey, ranked Tokyo as the number one bleisure destination in Asia-Pacific Region

2) Collaboration opportunities with local companies

Most of local companies in Tokyo are small and medium enterprises. And manufacturing or tele-communication companies with cutting-edge technologies are concentrated in Tokyo, so we think that such companies and foreign companies can collaborate, create innovation and generate new-values together.

Considering this, we’re now implementing 2 initiatives now.

For foreign companies which are invited by TMG, we assigned special coordinator and offer hands-on supports for business-matching with local companies (e.g. making PR sheet to appeal strongpoints of foreign companies and needs from them, supporting in language when foreign companies do business-matching)

In order to succeed in sustainable business development, we need to connect talents, goods, funds and information in Tokyo. By connecting them, we believe that we can continue to generate innovations. Under this understanding, Tokyo Metropolitan Government has started to support creating ecosystems in Tokyo. Specifically, we certificated 3 local communities trying to create ecosystems. First, we assign and send “community managers”, who connect players in governmental, academic and industrial players in each ecosystems. Second, we support communities to implement projects which several players collaborate from the fields of deregulation, etc. Third, Tokyo Metropolitan Government will actively promote these initiatives in each ecosystems through website, etc.

Through these activities, we will established business-friendly environment which can attract more and more startups and entrepreneurs from all over the world.

夏妙然博士 同東京都 戰略政策情報推進本部 特区推進担当部長 米津雅史 Dr Serina Ha & Mr Masafumi Yonazu (Senior Director for Special Zone Promotion Office for Strategic Policy and ICT Promotion) (Tokyo Metropolitan Government)
Photo credit: Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Photo credit: Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Photo credit: Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Photo credit: Tokyo Metropolitan Government