1) Most popular culture of your own country?


I would like to introduce two festivals which we are celebrating our own state this time in the year. One of them, we actually start celebrating on this Monday. It's the St. Martin’s Festival. We all begin on the 11th months of this year, which is November on the 11th day at 11:00 in the morning. It's the Czech version of Beaujolais Nouveau Wine Festival, it’s a first occasion when winemakers can try the wine they harvested this year and they tasted it with all the people in the cities. Another one we will celebrating is Saint Nicholas Day, December 5th. On the evening of December 5th, there will be Saint Nicholas, joined by devil and angel. They will visit in the Czech houses, homes and they will be talking to kids to check whether they have been good or bad this year.

我想介紹今年我們在捷克主要慶祝的兩個節日,其中一個在星期一舉行的就是聖馬爾定節,時間為11月11日11點早上,是捷克版本的保祖利葡萄酒節日, 釀酒師可以率先品嚐今年最新釀製的新鮮酒類飲品,並與城市的人民一起分享。而另一個我們會慶祝的就是在12月5日的聖尼古拉節,當日夜晚,聖尼古拉將會聯同天使與魔鬼一起探訪家家戶戶及小朋友,檢查他們今年表現如何。

2) So the celebration in HK will be usual or only this year?

那麼這個節日在香港每年都會慣常慶祝 ?

The celebrations take place every year, but in HK, we have these celebrations in a very small scale, only for the Czech community here, the Saint Nicholas Day.


3) Are there any more events that you want to introduce?


Every year in Spring, we take part in EU Film Festival, there's almost a Czech movie that you can come to watch. Next year in Autumn, we are also going to hold the Czech Movies Festival in cooperation with one of the HK Universities. So please be sure to check on our Facebook account. When it’s coming, please do come and watch the Czech movies with us together.


4) How long you have been to HK?


We arrived in August last year, over a year already.


5) How do you feel about this city?


Well, frankly, the weather is a bit hot for me. It’s much cooler in the Czech Republic but I must say neutrally, HK people are very considerate, nice, quiet and peaceful and I really enjoy my time in HK.


6)How about the food?

那麼香港的食物呢 ?

I like it because we are also country where we have a lot of pork food, I like pork ribs. The other thing I like about HK is hiking. Just like Czech people, HK people seem to be very fun with hiking which I have done here for several times. Another thing from the cultural area, I came to like the HKongese sense of humour. I saw some HKongese comedies, I came to know names like Andy Lau, Miriam Yeung which were not familiar to me before. So I really like the sense of humour and HK comedies.


7)National flower of your country?


Actually many European countries prefer trees other than flowers and European nations, not only Czechs, but many European nations have generated since ancient times: oak, linden tree or lime tree. For us, the oak is the masculine symbol of courage, while linden tree, lime tree is the feminine symbol of kindness, indulgence and it protects people from evil spirits. For us, we chose the lime tree to be our national symbol. There are many reasons why we chose lime tree. Actually, all have very important place in Czech culture, Czech folklore. In most of the village at the square, people would plant the lime tree, and when they need to have an important gathering or wedding or tribute, they will do it under the lime tree. Important decisions were taken under the lime tree.

其實有很多歐洲國家都偏向以樹取代國花,例如不少歐洲國家就以橡樹、椴樹和菩提樹為象徵。而在捷克,橡樹代表著男性勇氣,椴樹和菩提樹就是女性溫柔、遷就的代表,有保護人民免受邪靈騷擾的意味。我們之所以選擇菩提樹作為國家的象徵,是因為菩提樹無論在捷克文化或者捷克民族中都具有重要地位, 例如在鄉村的廣場上,很多人都會栽種菩提樹。當他們有重要的活動,例如舉辦婚禮或致敬活動時,人們都會在菩提樹底下進行,所以很多重要的決定亦都是在橄欖樹底下進行的。

8) Is lime tree the one which can grow the fruit of the lime and you can just take it for everyday?


Lime tree doesn't grow any fruit, it has flowers and we are making tea from the flowers.


9) Any trendy slangs?


Yes, I actually prepare two words. As you know, without tasting famous Czech beer, your visit to Czech Republic is not complete. So I prepare two words which should facilitate your stay at one of the Czech pubs. So the first word is “Jedno” , which means one. If you come to Czech pubs or Czech surround,and you say “Jedno”, they are not gonna to bring you tea or bread or wine, they are going to bring you beer. It’s understood that one means one beer. And for the advance listeners, there is another word “Ještě”. If you combine “Jedno” and “Ještě” , it means one more. By knowing those two words, you can spend a whole pleasant evening in the Czech restaurant. Just keep repeat the two words and the beer will keep coming.

我其實準備了兩個俚語向大家介紹。如果你未曾品嚐捷克啤酒,那麼你在捷克的旅程就未算圓滿了,所以我準備了兩個俚語,可以讓你在捷克酒吧適當運用。而第一個就是“Jedno” ,意思是數目字一。當你來到捷克酒吧的時候,你說這個俚語,服務員不會給你茶、麵包或酒,而是給你啤酒,這是大家公認的,即是指一樽啤酒。更高級的俚語就是“Ještě”,當你同時說“Jedno”和“Ještě”的時候,就是指多一樽的意思,所以當你知道這兩個俚語,你就能夠在捷克餐廳裏度過一個愉快的晚上,只要不停重複這兩個俚語,啤酒就會源源不絕的送上。

捷克駐港總領事Jan Juchelka、夏妙然博士