Sir Edward YOUDE served as Governor of Hong Kong from 1982 to 1986 and unveiled the 1997 agreement in LEGCO.
香港回歸慶典 (Hong Kong Handover Ceremony): Hong Kong Handover Ceremony
香港回歸慶典 (Hong Kong Handover Ceremony): 香港回歸慶典
鏗鏘集: 中英協議草簽特輯
鏗鏘集: 居英權
鏗鏘集: 香港病了
鏗鏘集: 七月一日人民的聲音
香港電台重要時刻: 港督戴麟趾爵士為教育電視中心主持揭幕儀式
香港電台人和事: 港督戴麟趾爵士主持廣播大廈啟用儀式
海報系列: 鑑貌便識抑或留意香港電台節目?
Down Memory Lane: Aileen Woods in "Down Memory Lane"
獅子山下: 高老頭 劇照 8
獅子山下: 獅子頭 劇照
Governors (歷任港督): News conference on 1997 agreement
Governors (歷任港督): Governor's Farewell Conversation Interview
Governors (歷任港督): Policy Address 1997
Governors (歷任港督): Interview About His Retirement Next Year
Governors (歷任港督): 撫心自問
Governors (歷任港督): Governor at House of Common Foreign Affair Committee