Governors (歷任港督): Policy Address 1997
The first policy address of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government was delivered by the Chief Executive TUNG Chee-hwa.
Governors (歷任港督): Governor's Farewell Conversation Interview
Rt. Hon. Christopher Francis PATTEN,who was the last Governor of British Hong Kong,gave his farewell conversation with us.
Governors (歷任港督): Governor's phone-in 2
Chris Patten was the last Governor of Hong Kong under British sovereignty. He oversaw its handover to the People's Republic of China in July 1997. On 27th June 1997, he was a guest on this RTHK programme, taking phone calls from the general public.
Governors (歷任港督): Governor's phone-in 1
Chris Patten was the last Governor of Hong Kong under British sovereignty. He oversaw its handover to the People's Republic of China in July 1997. On 27th June 1997, he was a guest on this RTHK programme, taking phone calls from the general public.
Governors (歷任港督): Governor's phone-in 3
Chris Patten was the last Governor of Hong Kong under British sovereignty. He oversaw its handover to the People's Republic of China in July 1997. On 27th June 1997, he was a guest on this RTHK programme, taking phone calls from the general public.
創意共享: 國家主席江澤民宣佈香港特別行政區正式成立(1997)
香港精神: 香港精神-「媒介作為重新分配社會資源的角色」
如果有人捐一層樓給你,你會否覺得奇怪呢? 本節目"香港精神"以大氣電波作一所互助資源中心,讓本地的社會資源得以善用。今集主持人介紹多個社會服務機構,以及接聽多位願意作出捐贈的香港市民電話,把互助自助精神帶給大家。